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- 1 HTML Document Object
- 2 Text
- 3 Comment
- 4 Error
- 5 Tag
- 6 Position is out of range
- 7 Character count is out of range.
- 10 Unknown error
- 11 '>' Not found
- 12 Comment end '-->' not found
- 13 Tag end bracket with no matching tag open bracket '<'
- 14 Unrecognized tag name '%1'
- 15 '<' with no matching '>' for tag '%1'
- 20 Unrecognize attribute '%1' in tag '%2'
- 21 Assignment operator '=' is expected for attribute '%1'
- 22 Invalid character in the sequence '%2' in attribute '%1'
- 23 Value expected in attribute '%1'
- 24 Missing close quote in attribute '%1'
- 25 Unexpected end of attribute '%1'
- 26 Value must be enclosed with quote in atrribute '%1'
- 28 Unrecognized attribute value '%2' for '%1' attribute
- 29 Invalid HTML Syntax Manager object
- 31 Hex color value should start with '#' in attribute '%1'
- 33 Unrecognized color value name
- 34 Missing close bracket in tag '%1'
- 37 Invalid character '%1' in attribute name
- 38 Empty enum value for attribute '%1'
- 39 Integer value should start with only '+', '-' or digit in attribute '%1'
- 40 Enumerate value starts with non-alphabetic character in attribute '%1'
- 100 Error loading document file '%1'
- 101 Error Saving document file '%1'
- 102 Empty enumerate value is unacceptable in attribute '%1'
- 103 Integer value is expected in attribute '%1'
- 104 String value is expected in attribute '%1'
- 105 Enumerate value is expected in attribute '%1'
- 106 URL value is expected in attribute '%1'
- 107 Color value is expected in attribute '%1'
- 108 Integer value is empty in attribute '%1'
- 109 Invalid character found in integer value in attribute '%1'
- 110 Extra close quote found in integer value of attribute '%1'
- 111 Missing close quote found in string attribute '%1'
- 112 Invalid hex color value in attribute '%1'
- 113 Hex color value is too long in attribute '%1'
- 114 Hex color value is too short in attribute '%1'
- 115 Missing close quote in URL attribute '%1'
- 116 Open quote is required for string attribute '%1'
- 117 Open quote is required for URL attribute '%1'
- 118 Extra close quote in color attribute '%1'
- 119 Extra close quote in string attribute '%1'
- 120 Extra close quote in URL attribute '%1'
- 121 Mssing close bracket in SGML tag
- 122 SGML tag end not found
- 123 Empty tag
- 124 Missing single close quote in string attribute '%1'
- 125 Missing single close quote in enumerate attribute '%1'
- 126 Extra close quote in enumerate attribute '%1'
- 127 Extra single close quote in enumerate attribute '%1'
- 129 Extra single close quote in string attribute '%1'
- 130 Missing single close quote in URL attribute '%1'
- 131 Extra single close quote in URL attribute '%1'
- 132 Missing single close quote in integer attribute '%1'
- 133 Mixing double and single quote in integer attribute '%1'
- 134 Extra single close quote in color attribute '%1'
- 135 '%%' found in non-proportional integer value in attribute '%1'
- 136 Invalid EOL type
- 137 Extra single close quote in integer attribute '%1'
- 138 Space delimiter required to terminate integer attribute value '%1'
- 139 Invalid character after '%' in integer attribute '%1'
- 140 Unrecognized color name '%2' in color attribute '%1'
- 141 Mixing double and single quote in color attribute '%1'
- 142 Missing close quote in color attribute '%1'
- 143 Missing single close quote in color attribute '%1'
- 144 Missing close quote in color attribute '%1'
- 145 Modifying document
- 146 Typing text
- 147 Deleting text
- 148 Overtyping text
- 149 Replacing text
- 150 Inserting text
- 151 Description is not settable.
- 152 Pasting text
- 153 Cutting text
- 154 Unable to start undo transaction
- 155 Inserting line
- 156 Deleting line
- 157 Undo/Redo object index is out of range.
- 158 Inserting character
- 159 Deleting character
- 160 Overtyping character
- 161 Inserting tab
- 162 Deleting tab
- 163 Invalid movement extend value
- 164 Object is not a text selection
- 165 Text selection object is not created from this document
- 166 Pasting text over
- 167 Integer attribute value is too big
- 168 Missing close quote in enumerate value
- 169 Missing single and double quote in enumerate attribute '%1'
- 170 Deleting Attribute
- 171 Inserting Attribute
- 172 Changing Attribute Value
- 173 Indenting Lines
- 174 Unindenting Lines
- 175 Object index is out of range
- 176 Converting names to uppercase
- 177 Converting names to lowercase
- 178 Loading document...
- 179 Analyzing Document...
- 180 Converting Unix Document...
- 181 Converting Macintosh Document...
- 182 Converting Unknown Type Document...